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Grapes are not only the ingredient needed to make wine, but also a valuable ally for your health. If you have a garden with good sun exposure, you could create a small corner to grow grapes. Under a pergola of strawberry grapes, a variety that does not require treatment and maintenance, limited only to a containment pruning in March, you could create a shady area for outdoor dining in the summer and autumn. The grape clusters give off a lovely fragrance and enjoying a bunch of grapes early in the morning before going to the office can help you cope with a busy day.

Grapes help purify the blood and improve liver and kidney functions, helping people with constipation and assisting the lungs and skin. Only people with obesity and intestinal problems should avoid grapes due to their high sugar content.

If you want to try a grape diet, it’s necessary to substitute one meal a day consisting only of grapes. Raisins are an indispensable ingredient for dessert recipes from many countries, both the seedy and seedless varieties. The world’s largest producers of grapes are Greece, Turkey, Iran, Spain, California, and most recently Chile. The various types of raisins range from the small dark raisin of Corinto to the almost blue raisins of California to the large golden raisins of Chile.


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