This year the blog turns 12. In these 12 years many things have changed in our lives and in the world. We talk about cooking, we write about it everywhere, and a blog is no longer a novelty.
Colleen and I wondered if it still made sense to keep this blog that had made us enthusiastic in the initial phase and then, taken by the many things in life, that enthusiasm faded.
Leonardo joined our family 19 months ago, his presence, his curiosity, his enthusiasm for everything, including food, made us decide to continue dedicating ourselves mainly to dishes for early childhood and as he grows up, for all age stages.
Our idea is to be useful to mothers who never know what to do and how to make for lunch or dinner and resort to ready-to-eat baby food.
The dishes will be in the original style of the blog, simple and with natural ingredients, easy to prepare even for freezing and then reheat for ready to eat meals.
Advice for mothers
Our combined experience as mothers and Daniela’s as the director of kindergarten, lead us to say that the fundamental thing for a child to be curious and eager to taste the food that is offered to them is that they must be able to use two fundamental tools for their growth: their two hands.
Only through the manipulation of food, through the most active participation possible (taking into account the age and the protection of the child’s safety) in the various stages of preparation, will the child feel interested in tasting new tastes and begin feeding independently.
You don’t have to worry about the time you spend cleaning them and cleaning their surroundings. This will soon become time gained because the degree of their autonomy will increase and they will live the experience of mealtime with their parents like a happy child. They will be aware of what they are eating and they will remember those flavors even when they grow up.
The Italian House
We share a large house in Italy built in 1912 which was once a farm. The farm is no longer there but there is still a large vegetable garden which for some months now has been a full-time job and a chicken coop.

Born in San Vito al Tagliamento in 1954, graduated in Social Services at the University of Florence. Manager of various public and private services, professor at the University of Trieste, seat of Pordenone now retired. Cooking expert.

Born in Kettering, Ohio in 1981, graduated from the University of Delaware, degree in Graphic Design. Worked 15 years as a graphic designer, owner and creative director of a joint venture start-up of Made in Italy furniture. Passionate about food and modern design.