Cream of Cauliflower Soup

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In recent years I’ve seen beautiful cauliflower mixed in with bridal bouquets. Cauliflower is a source of elements for our body and healthy enough to be considered, along with all the cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi (German turnip or Italian “cavolo rapa”), brussels sprouts, a food medicine.

According to studies by the French physician J. Valnet, cauliflower is useful for all respiratory infections, arthritis, the digestive tract, and kidneys. With this wealth of positives, let’s make a nice pot of cabbage!

The recipe that I propose is simple and can be enjoyable even for those who struggle to eat the vegetables. It’s suitable for vegetarians and vegans, simply eliminate the pancetta and cheese and replace butter with olive oil, the dish will still be delicious.

Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 60 minutes
(For 4-6 people)

1 medium sized cauliflower
2 potatoes
2 tablespoons of rice flour
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon of organic granulated vegetable broth (such as Rapunzel Pure Organic Vegetable Soup Broth) or 1 bouillon cube
2 oz. of pancetta or bacon (to place on top the soup)
6 cups of water
salt and pepper

(Photo of raw cabbage)

  • Wash the cauliflower and divide it into pieces, remove the core, and keep the head to decorate the soup (the cauliflower head must be sliced with a knife for decoration).
  • Peel the potatoes and divide into 4 pieces.
  • Add all the ingredients to a high-sided pot. Add cold water and a little salt.
    Bring to a boil and continue cooking covered for about an hour.
  • While the soup bubbles away, cut the pancetta or bacon into squares and saute in a small nonstick skillet until crisp. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon or spatula and place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  • Remove from the heat, add the rice flour and butter and mix with an immersion blender to form a cream. Add the granulated cheese and put it on the burner for 5 minutes.
  • Serve in soup bowls and garnish with pancetta or bacon and a piece of raw cauliflower.

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