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Dessert, Recipes

Torta di compleanno


 Ho iniziato a preparare le torte di compleanno, di battesimo, cresima, matrimonio utilizzando questa basi quando avevo 21 anni e da allora è sempre stat la mia preparazione preferita. E’ apprezzata per la morbidezza e per il sapore. La cosa più importante è utilizzare ingredienti freschissimi e di qualità. Nella […]

Meat, Recipes

Tasty Meatballs


 These days you have to pay close attention to what you put in your shopping cart. Food increases risk leading families to make drastic choices with consequences also on people’s health. For those who still eat meat, meatballs can be a very appetizing way that can please even the elderly […]


Pizza, pizza, pizza


 I like pizza a lot. Since I have teeth, my mother cuts it into small pieces and I feel that delicious taste of tomato and that white, soft and sweet thing that adults call mozzarella. Dad usually takes the pizza home in large cardboard boxes. The Italian nonna, during the […]

Articles, Recipes

The Tales of Leonardo da Boston: The Red Tomatoes


 Today Mama took me for a walk to that place she calls a vegetable garden. Wehave been there many times, but today, since I now know the place and afterprotesting a bit with gestures and mouth sounds, she let me get me down andstand up. Finally I was able to […]


The Tales of Leonardo da Boston “Sunflowers”


 Today as soon as my parents woke up, they put on my clothes to go out. I have not been happy because when I wake up I like to be only in my shirt and barefoot. I wanted to explore the house and take a good look at a new […]


The Tales of Leonardo “The Giant Leaves”


 Today mama brought home some giant green leaves that were so big that they seemed as wide as the cap that I usually take to go to the beach. Every week mama takes me to a place where I can play and eat the ground and she sings, “Weeee, weee,” […]

Recipes, Recipes

Summer Trout Salad


 This is a very fresh and summer way to enjoy a trout. The salad can be prepared in the morning to be consumed in the evening. In this case, the seasoning (salt, pepper, olive oil) must be added just a few minutes before serving. The dose is for one person […]

Dessert, Recipes



 Crostoli are sweet fried dough made during the carnival period that takes on different names depending on the Italian region, (chiacchiere, galani, crostoli) are the all same thing. The peasant families in Friuli often prepared them in the period from January until Ash Wednesday. They was a cheap pleasure. In […]

Pasta, Recipes

Orecchiette with Broccoli and Arugula Pesto


 And here is another recipe for one person: I always like to dress pasta with vegetables because it allows me to have a nice dish with only 70/80 grams of pasta. In this recipe I added the arugula pesto which is difficult to prepare for one person but the proposed […]

Fish, Recipes

Cod Fillet with Peppers


 With this recipe I intend to start publishing recipes for one person. The same can also be made for more people, just multiply the number of ingredients by the number of diners. I thought that this can be useful to the many people who live alone and who, especially at […]

Pasta, Recipes

Pasta with Broccoli Rabe & all the Salty Italian things that make it good


 This is a winter pasta that I make every 2 weeks or so because I love these flavors together and it always makes me feel good when I’m eating pasta with something green. While living in Italy, I really acquired a love for bitter vegetables. We ate so many varieties […]

Appetizers, Recipes

Russian Salad


 In my family, up until the 1980s, it was a tradition to start the new year with a menu that included an appetizer with boiled corned beef tongue and Russian salad, followed by tortellini in broth and boiled meat with mustard. The Russian salad was rigorously prepared at home, possibly […]

Recipes, Salads

The Salty Sweet & A Little Bitter Salad


 I often disregard the really simple recipes I put together from things I have in the fridge. However, my sister was with me on New Year’s Day and I made this salad for her. The next day she sent me a picture of the same salad that she had recreated, […]

Pasta, Recipes, Vegetables

Potato Gnocchi with Creamy Leek Sauce


 Mid October and we haven’t had steady rain in months now. Today it decided to rain cats & dogs all day so I was finally in the mood to make something that was warming and comforting. Gnocchi are one of those simple, completely satisfying things that I make on a […]

Fish, Recipes

Trout Salad


 Simple, clean flavors with beautiful color – that’s what I think of when I think of Italian food. My mother-in-law sent this picture over from Italy and I felt like I was back there —fortunately I was lucky enough to be at the house when Attilio (Andrea’s uncle) would drop […]

Fish, Recipes

Grilled Tuna and Provençal Summer Vegetables


 On Saturday mornings I walk to Wakefield Farmer’s Market by the big lake to get the freshest and best priced fish I’ve found from a fisherman named Bob (of Roberto’s Seafood). This week I got two nice pieces of tuna and was staring sadly at the last of my summer […]

Recipes, Vegetables

Cherry Tomatoes with 4 Flavors


 Stuffed tomatoes are a good idea for a summer lunch or dinner. This dish comes in 4 different versions that can be cooked together like I did. This way you can satisfy the tastes of most people with a few ingredients. The common element is the 4 preparations is bread […]